Friday, April 16, 2010

NYX S101

i fell in love at the first sight. this palette is just perfect for me!
let's start with its bunch of eyeshadows. it contains 35 e/s colors with neutral, greenish, purplish, to pinkish shade. it also contain one blue and one yellow color. the colors are more to warmer side, i guess. that's why i love it, beside its wide selection of greenish eyeshadow. i looove green!

the bronzer and blush on this kit doesn't disappointing either. it has various color selection from lighter to darker color which is great for every skin shade.

to be honest, i haven't try all of them on my face. just tried it once, and happy with the result! the color pay-off is great, and its bronzers and blushes are subtle, you can always build it!

with its price tag, this is the must-have item for all make up junkie! such a steal!


nisa said...

lucuuu pallete nyaaa....bagusan NYX apa CS ya??? :)
btw nice blog ^____^

Ephong said...

haii.. salam kenal.. ;)
uda dicoba blom palettenya? lebih pigmented mana ya sama palette2 nyx yang 10 warna?? thanks..

Unknown said...

omg nice product!! how much is that?

anggi said...

@nisa-chan, wah belum pernah nyoba CS, tapi ini pigmented, baguuss!
aww, thanks! :)

@ephong, haiii salam kenal jugaa! akhirnya udah dicoba, dan ternyata lebih pigmented ini lho daripada yang 10 warna! cuma emang aga sayang nyoleknya.. hahahaha...

@ipehishere, gw beli ini sekitar 400ribuan, i think it's a great deal ya daripada beli satuan, jatuhnya murah bangeett!

Unknown said...

salam kenal...huhuhu...babynya lucu banget....

Itu nyx nya beli dimana ya? Kalo pengen tahu variannya apa, bisa rekomendasi websitenya kah?

Salam kenal, nama aq rima

anggi said...

halo rimaa.. tengkyuuu! hehehe...
nyx-nya pesen di salah satu member fashionesedaily, tapi di OS2 juga banyak kok, bisa di-google.
NYX ada websitenya di


Cicha said...

sumpe liat palette ini mupeng beuraat!! 0_o
kumpulin duit beli aaah :)
btw say, mau nanya, whats your best best eyeliner? I mean yang buat daily yang mostly agak ke hitam/abu2 tua begitu. i need some recommendation from a make up junkie like you ;)
btw, salam kenal yaaah.. *jabat tangan sodorin pipi*

Cicha said...

sumpe liat palette ini mupeng beuraat!! 0_o
kumpulin duit beli aaah :)
btw say, mau nanya, whats your best best eyeliner? I mean yang buat daily yang mostly agak ke hitam/abu2 tua begitu. i need some recommendation from a make up junkie like you ;)
btw, salam kenal yaaah.. *jabat tangan sodorin pipi*

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