Monday, July 06, 2009

in his shoes

Speaking of shoe addiction, we gotta count my husband in. Truth to be told, he was more expert than me in collecting shoes. He’s been a shoe addict since junior high and never retired since. But after massive weight gain and loss, he has to let several collection go. Now his shoes amount has been reduced, but the passion’s still alive.
However, the same passion isn’t equal with the same condition. When he was a single guy, he could spent his last dime for shoes, with no further thought. Now that he have me to taken care of, he got waaaay more things to considered before he buy a pair of shoes. *poor thing* So, he buried his interest of shoes deep inside his heart and gradually lose his addiction.
But something tickled his mind when he saw this shoes. He was hesitated at first, since the shop mostly featured women’s shoes. But he took the risk and ordered a custom-made shoes in his size. Oh, FYI, he purchased it on Galdy, the same shoe maker who made my earlier boots. It was our first try, and we had no high expectation. Surprisingly, the shoes fit him well and comfy enough! It’s pretty fair to be casual Sunday shoe. He was so happy to get new shoes with nothing-to-worry price.

"buat jalan2 sore bersama istri tertjinta"

Then he told me he want some more shoes in different colors and shapes.
Tee hee.
The shoe addict is baaacckk!

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