Wednesday, March 11, 2009

foto colongan...

so sorry for the lack of update, while i promote this blog on every social network i'm in! *shameless*

i was so busy on everything for the last days, and i don't know what to post since i have no time to take a quick snap of my outfit (but it's boring, so you don't miss anything).
for many quick jump here and there with my husband, i used to wear my most comfortable outfit, high waist jeans (celana anti masuk angin) and long sleeve t-shirt with jacket.

btw, i found this photo of my friend on the facebook, and i stole it! *big evil grin* i like every detail she puts in here. black lace, belted waist, and zebra print!

her name is Vella. she's a member of a 'gang' we're in. (haha!) we used to share anything girly like fashion, make up and shopping. though we live not too far away (me in bandung, and she's in bogor) but we never had a chance to meet again after a long time. facebook is the only media to keep in touch with her.

vella, yiuukk kita maen mekap2an lagehhh...hahaha!


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